Golden Day, 12” x 12”, Acrylic, mixed media on panel


About the Artist

Susan Dykeman is an abstract painter whose work explores and communicates the rising and falling, expanding and contracting, exploding and quieting polarities as they rise and fall away in nature and in the human body, mind and spirit.

Typically working in acrylic and collage on birch board, she strives for viewers to be excited by her work’s strong design, multidimensional color relationships, and subtleties that reveal themselves on closer inspection. The viewer partakes in an unfolding relationship with the work, discovering new treasures with repeated engagement, emotionally rewarded for their acceptance of an invitation bursting with life. She will continue to work with a painting, creating and destroying and creating again, until in the work’s presence she feels fully alive to its communication and purpose.

Dykeman earned a B.A. in Literature from Yale University and studied Biology and Ecology at UCLA after graduation. She has been a Touchstone artist since May 2023.


We’re Golden, 12” x 12”, Acrylic mixed media on panel

The New, New Thing, 12” x 12”, Acrylic mixed media on panel

Sand | Stone, 18” x 18” x 1.5”, Acrylic mixed media on cradled panel

The Watery Part of the World, 30” x 30” x 1.5”, Acrylic mixed media on cradled panel

Where To?, 12” x 12”, Acrylic mixed media on panel

Dirty Girl, 12” x 12” x 7/8”, Acrylic mixed media on cradled panel. The edges on this painting are taped and paint splattered as an extension of the gritty feel of the painting.

The Greenery, 12” x 12”, Acrylic mixed media on panel

Unfurling, 12” x 12” , Acrylic mixed media on panel

Folio, 12” x 12”, Acrylic mixed media on panel